Karolina Palka-Stolorz

Barrister (of counsel)

Email karolina.j.palka@gmail.com

Phone +48506994985


Native of Oświecim, Poland. Graduated in law from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. She completed her lawyer’s apprenticeship at the Regional Bar Council in Cracow. She cooperates with the firm on issues related to criminal law and family law, as well as Slovak law.

In 2019. She graduated from the Slovak Law School at Jagiellonian University. She has participated in scientific conferences of an international nature. Winner of the 2021 competition for young scientists at the Jagiellonian University. She is a doctoral student at the Department of Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University, where she is preparing her dissertation on the issue of the Auschwitz Lie.

She has authored numerous publications on criminal law, business law and Slovak law. Has been providing legal assistance since 2018. cooperating with law firms in Cracow. Since 2022 She runs her own business – a law firm in Krakow.


  • Criminal Law
  • Family law
  • Slovak law


Law, 2018. Jagiellonian University

Slovak Law School, 2019. Jagiellonian University


Legal Forum, Number 5 (55)

The Analysis of the Offence of Financing of Terrorist Acts in Polish Criminal Law

Legal and Economic Review, 2019, No. 47 – co-authored by

Simple Joint Stock Company in Slovakia – General Characteristics and Selected Problems

Quarterly Journal of Law-Society-Economics, 2019, No. 3

The Shape of Hate Crime in Slovakia

The world and the Word : philology, social science, philosophy, theology. 2021, no. 2

Where to draw the line on the right to free speech? : an analysis in the context of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the doctrine of fighting words


Slovak, English