We represent our clients in disputes with state and local government bodies and before administrative courts.
Administrative law cases are not easy. In this category of cases, it is the public authorities that have at their disposal a whole set of persons and means to ensure the implementation of administrative tasks, who, however, by their actions can violate the legal interest of a single person.
Our lawyers represent clients in disputes with government authorities, both state and local. We help our clients with issues including issuance of permits, administrative decisions, zoning, or construction law.
Our lawyers have the knowledge and experience needed to effectively represent our clients in disputes with administrative authorities. We work fully focused on the interests of our clients and do everything we can to ensure the best possible results.
If you need any legal assistance, please contact us. We will respond promptly
Phone: +48600090005
kancelaria@mstolorz.pl Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00